By feeding Jalaram cattle feed to a milch animal, 300 days in a year full milk and one child can be taken every year.
1. Moaning again and again, raising the tail.
3. Pinkish red color due to swelling and excess blood flow in the reproductive organs.
4. Discharge of thick sticky and transparent fluid from the reproductive organs.
5. Frequent urination.
6. Decrease in dosage and milk.
7. Animal being restless, smelling other animals and climbing on them.
8. The time between 12 to 24 hours of arrival in heat is the appropriate time for conception.
1. The time the animal remains in heat is 18 to 24 hours.
2. A female animal should become pregnant at the age of 2 or 3 years. Therefore, full attention should be paid
to the care, feeding and maintenance of calves.
3. Artificial natural insemination should be done only between 12 to 24 hours after coming into heat. if animal
If she does not become pregnant, she will come into heat again after 21 days. If symptoms of heat are seen in the morning then in the evening If you see it in the morning or in the evening, then you should get pregnantthe next day in the morning
4. Normally the animal should become pregnant again between 2 to 2.5 months after calving.
It is possible to solve this problem by feeding Jalaram Feeds Minvit Plus regularly.
5. After impregnation, the animal should be tied for 10-15 minutes and should be walked
slowly. The animal should not be made to run.
6. A healthy bull/buffalo of good breed should be impregnated naturally or by artificial insemination by a veterinary specialist.
The development of the embryo of pregnant animal is rapid during 6-7 months, therefore the following things
Special attention should be paid to:
1.After the 7th month of pregnancy, the milking of the animal should be stopped gradually. Due to which animals and Proper development of the fetus.
2. The requirement of balanced nutritious diet to the pregnant animal is necessary for the proper
development and milk production of the child and udder and to avoid diseases like milk fever, ketosis.
3. Pregnant animals should not be made to run for long distances or on rough roads
and should not be transferred from one place to another.
4. There should be enough space for the pregnant animal to move.
Things to keep in mind for 12 months regarding animal husbandry
1. The best housing arrangement of animals should be shady, airy and clean.
2. Every animal should get green fodder daily.
3. A balanced diet should be given keeping in mind the body, weight and production capacity of the
4. Give Jalaram Feeds Battisha, Hepakamrit to every animal three-four times a week.
5. Clean water should be available all the time.
6. Cleaning of cattle shed should be done twice daily.
7. Give deworming medicine every three-four months.
8. Insemination of animals, either by a healthy bull/buffalo of good breed, naturally or by a veterinary expert. Should be done by artificial insemination.
9. Infertility investigation and treatment must be done.
10. Milk must be tested for mastitis.
11. Make sure to use Jalaram Feeds feed supplements such as Shaktidhara, Yajyaamrit and Garbhajali, Samvrdhi and Shaktidhara after calving.
Balanced animal feed is a diet prepared by experts from a scientific point of view keeping in mind the production capacity of the animal as per its requirement. In this, all the essential nutrients like protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals are available for the animals in proper quantity and proportion.
1. The availability of essential nutrients like protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in appropriate proportions in a balanced animal diet leads to the overall physical development of the animal. It is beneficial to feed it for the proper development of the child in the womb.
2. Due to getting proteins from different sources in this diet, amino acids are balanced.
3. Fatty Acids are also balanced in this diet as fat is obtained from different sources.
4. By feeding balanced animal feed, along with quantity and quality of milk, tasty milk is obtained from the animal.
5. Due to carbohydrates (energy) being obtained from different sources, the animal gets balanced energy. By which The production capacity of the animal increases.
6. The immunity of the animal increases.
7. Unbalanced diet is more expensive and the animal has to spend more energy/strength to digest it.
And there is a possibility of minor diseases.
8. Balanced animal feed is a complete diet in itself. After feeding it, there is no need to give any
other food, grain, cake etc. to the animal because this animal feed contains all these things.
It is made on the basis of scientific method by proper inclusion of substances.
9.Balanced animal diet is a boon for the animal due to which the animal remains healthy, strong and healthy.
10. The floor of the rear part where the pregnant animal is tied should be a bit high so that
the problem of Prolapse of Uterus can be controlled.
11. 70-80 liters of clean and fresh water should be provided daily to the pregnant animal.
12. Feed supplements like multivitamin and Shaktidhara should be given regularly to the pregnant animal.
1. The animal seems to be restless and gets up and down again and again.
2. Animal repeatedly tries to urinate, dung.
3. The hunger and thirst of the animal decreases.
4. Liquid starts flowing from the vagina of the animal.
5. Milk comes into the udder of the animal. Milk starts coming out by pressing the udder.
1. Feed supplements such as Shaktidhara, Yajyaamrit etc. should be given regularly before the animal is fattened.
2. There should not be any kind of noise, commotion near the animal, it scares the animal.
And the natural process of reproduction is obstructed.
3. Don't interfere unnecessarily while talking to the animal, let it talk naturally.
4. Lukewarm jaggery water, celery, fenugreek to the animal from the time of weaning and after that.
Feed porridge.
5. After calving, the female animal ejaculates within a maximum of 10 hours. Remove the jar immediately and apply the medicine in the soil at some other place. Immediately after calving the animal, pregnancy, growth, power stream etc.
Feed supplements should be given. So that the uterus of the animal is cleaned and the animal becomes energetic again.
6. Do not express milk completely after calving, as it may make the animal loose.
7. Under special circumstances, seek the help of a veterinarian if there is a problem with the animal's statement.
8. After falling of jer, according to the environment, the animal should be bathed with a little warm or clean fresh water.
9. Feed easily digestible food like hot rice, boiled millet, oil, wheat porridge, jaggery etc. to the animal after 4-5 days of calving.
1. The animal should be kept in an open or clean place according to the environment.
2. Do not let the animal sit for 1-2 hours after calving, it reduces the chances of prolapse. Is Give 200 ml of garbhajali immediately after expression so that the jer comes out easily.
3. Keep the animal with the child separate from other animals for at least 8-10 days.
4. Give Jalaram Feeds Enrichment (Calcium) liquid or bolus to the animal along with Jalaram Feeds Cattle Food.
5. Must give multivitamin along with growth to the animal giving more milk.
6. Don't let the animal sit for half an hour after milking. For this feed him fodder so that the animal sits No. This is necessary for prevention from Thanela disease.
7. After milking, the udder should be cleaned with disinfectant solution/ neem leaves boiled in
water and cooled. It is necessary for prevention from Thanela disease or clean it with other
natural insecticide liquid.
1. Clean the nose, mouth and hooves of the new born baby immediately after birth.
2. If the child is unable to stand within half an hour, make him stand by supporting him and massage his
3. Leaving 2 inches of cord, tie it with thread and cut it with sterile scissors. After this, apply tincture iodine, so that infection in the placenta can be prevented.
4. After birth, within half an hour, give the baby gooseberry. Give approximately 2 liters of colostrum
in divided quantities 3-4 times a day. Due to this, the child's immunity increases and the development
of the body is good and the dirty stool of the intestines gets cleaned due to diarrhea.
5. Feed the child milk for at least one or maximum two months.
6. The first milk (giggle) of a female animal is an invaluable gift given by nature to a newborn
child. It contains additional nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins.
7. Give anthelmintic medicine to the new born child at the following time- third week, three
months, six months. After
8. three months get vaccinated by the vet.
9. Place two fingers on the tongue in the mouth of the new born baby, this will help the baby to drink milk.
1. Animals should be treated with humility. The animal should not be intimidated. Due to this the
animal comes under stress and production capacity is affected.
2. The animal shed should be clean, ventilated and keeping in mind the protection from heat, cold and rain.
3.Regular feeding of animal with green, dry fodder and Jalaram Feeds complete balanced animal feed, production of animal Should be given according to capacity.
4. Full milk production for 300 days in a year from milch animals and achieving the goal of one child
per year is possible with Jalaram Feeds animal products.
5. Spray disinfectant solution (gonyl) or dry lime etc. once every week in the cattle shed. Due
to which the animal can be protected from disease.
6. The animal should be bathed, scratched according to the environment. Through this, dust, hair, dirt, lice, ticks, external parasites and wounds and injuries in the body are detected.
7. Keep the animals open in the enclosure and send them to graze for exercise. Due to this the animal remains healthy and milk production capacity increases and the animal remains stress free.
8. Keep a gap of 12 hours in milking. After milking, feed fodder to the animal and do not let it
sit for about half an hour. This is the best way to prevent Thanela disease.
9. Normally 40-45% milk is produced by the front two udders of a milch animal and 55-60%
milk is produced by the rear two udders. 10. Milking should be done according to scientific approach (Full Hand Method) method. Which is comfortable and simple.
11. The nails of the milker should be cut and the person should not be suffering from any kind of
contagion, his hands should be washed with clean water and the utensil for milking should
be clean.
12. The use of oxytocin injection, banned by the government, is prohibited for extracting milk, which is harmful to animal and human health, it causes animal infertility and by drinking this milk, we also get deformities.
1. Older age at first intercourse
2. Long dry season
3. Cool season
4. Low milk production
5. Frequent exposure to heat
6. More difference between two things
The proper amount of mineral salts in the diet of the animal has an important contribution for the
internal functions of the animal to function smoothly. All the elements are available in the required quantity in the mineral mixture. Its feeding has the following advantages.
1. Maintains fertility and reduces the gap between two periods.
2.Increases the ability of animals to fight diseases.
3. Diseases occurring around the castration in animals like milk fever, ketosis, blood in urine.
4. Removes calcium and phosphorus deficiency in dairy animals.
5.Helpful in solving the problem of frequent heatstroke in animals.
6. Helps in preventing diseases like vaginal prolapse, mastitis etc.
7. Helpful in development of udder.
8.The animal remains useful for a long period.
9. Helps in milking and keeps the animal stress free.
10. It is helpful in the growth of calf / heifers.
Bypass protein-rich animal feed: Protein is necessary for the repair of muscle cells in the animal's body, body growth and milk production. Apart from this, protein is also required to overcome many infectious diseases, infertility and reproductive related obstacles. Normally, most of the protein available in the diet is broken down in the first part of the stomach. Whereas most of the bypass protein goes ahead without being broken down in the first part of the stomach, due to which the animal utilizes it in a better way. Normally only 30% to 35% of the protein in prepared animal feed is absorbed. Whereas in balanced animal feed prepared by bypass method, the availability of protein increases from 30-35% to 70-75% (almost double). Hence the milk production capacity of the animal increases and the production cost reduces by the same amount.
Importance of feeding animal feed containing bypass fat Bypass-fat-rich animal feed: Fat is necessary to provide strength and energy to the animal's body and for the growth, health and reproductive power of the body. Generally, most of the fat available in the diet is broken down in the first part of the stomach. Whereas most of the bypass fat is not broken down in the first part of the stomach and goes further, due to which the animal utilizes it in a better way. In general, only 40% to 50% of the fat in prepared animal feed is absorbed. Whereas in balanced animal feed prepared by bypass method, the availability of fat increases from 40-50% to 80-100% (almost double). Therefore, the milk production capacity of the animal and the amount of fat in the milk increases and the production cost reduces by the same amount.
1. To digest animal feed and fodder.
2. To deliver nutrients to various parts of the body.
3.For removal of unwanted and toxic elements through urine.
4. To control body temperature.
5. Generally a healthy animal drinks about 70 to 80 liters of water in a day. Since milk contains 85% water, one liter of milk requires 2.5 liters of additional water.
6. Providing plenty of water increases milk production. Animal Husbandry related calendar for the information of animal parents
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
In animals, eggs of many types of worms (insects) enter the body through fodder and water, which go to different parts of the body and spread in the form of big worms. Then these worms start eating more and more animal food in the stomach. Due to this the animal does not get sufficient benefit of food and the animal starts getting weak. Eventually her milk production capacity starts decreasing. For the prevention of these worms, it is very important to feed or feed deworming medicine regularly three times a year. Mainly anthelmintic drugs are given before the rainy season (April-May), after the rainy season (September-October) and autumn (January-February). It is necessary to give it to all types and all animals. For this, you can contact your nearest Government Animal Health Center and give it to your animal by bringing anthelmintic from them or according to their recommendation from the medical store. Very soon the product of Jalaram Feeds Sansthan is coming to deal with this problem.
Management of clean and comfortable housing is very important for the development of animals and for getting maximum production from them. Milk animals should be kept in such a place, where the effect of cold and heat on them is less and animals can be protected from direct rays of the sun and gusts of wind. The following things should be kept in mind for the best housing of animals-There should be at least 5.5 feet wide and 10 feet long paved space for each cow and buffalo in the animal house. The flooring of the animal house should be rough but made of concrete. There should be 1.5% slope towards the drain. The drain should be 8 inches wide and 3 inches deep and have 1% cross slope. The ceiling of the animal house should be at least 10 feet high. The animal house should be open from three sides. There should be a wall only in the west direction. In winter all the three open directions should be covered with sacking. A manger 2 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep should be made on the western wall of the animal house. The base of the manger should be 1 feet above the ground level. There should be a free-loafing area for animals in the eastern direction of the animal house. Animals get maximum rest in the shade of trees. 2-3 shady trees like Neem should be planted in the walking area.